Merdas sérias, a brincar e assim assim. Uma janela para uma realidade que não tem, necessariamente, de ser a tua. Qualquer coisinha, já sabes, avisa.

sexta-feira, março 11, 2005

Assim vai o mundo III

Relatório da Statewatch

A americanização da Europa, aqui está mais um exemplo.


This report examines a new counter-terrorism regime using public (and some secret) documents being planned by G8 and EU:

"Special investigative techniques" including phone-tapping, "bugging" premises, informers, undercover agents and bribes for information. The results of this surveillance would be "available" to agencies across the EU and outside.

"Intelligence information" surveillance “products” from more than a dozen sources - including ones from outside the EU – will be presented as “evidence” in court while “protecting” the sources.

"Preparatory offences" intended to criminalise people prior to a terrorist act being committed.

And as being discussed in the Council of Europe this could cover the crime of apologie:
“where the message, although not directly advocating such acts, would be reasonably interpreted to have that effect, inter alia, by presenting an act of terrorism as necessary and justified".

The report tracks the hidden discussions in G8, the Council of the European Union and the Council of Europe and pinpoints the role played by the USA and the UK in shaping the outcomes.

The author of the report Statewatch editor, Tony Bunyan, comments:

"The UK and the EU are facing a defining moment in their response to terrorism. In combination these three initiatives herald a new, dangerous, era of pre-emptive state action where the emphasis is shifted from bringing people before the courts to face criminal charges to targeting all those “suspected” of involvement or even allegedly “supporting” terrorism.

To create new offences of “preparatory” acts where no crime has been committed, to employ surveillance techniques which will catch the innocent in their net, to change the rule of law so that defendants will not know the evidence against them or its sources and to imprison or put people under house arrest on this basis is quite unacceptable. In a democracy when the rights and freedoms of the few are curtailed so too are the rights and freedoms of us all.”

Parece que os terroristas já conseguiram alguma coisa, pois com estas medidas, somos um bocadinho mais parecidos com alguns países exemplares, como: a China, o Irão, Síria, Israel, Cuba, E.U.A. etc., etc.

Querem apanhar um terrorista: ele mora numa casa branca do outro lado do lago!