Merdas sérias, a brincar e assim assim. Uma janela para uma realidade que não tem, necessariamente, de ser a tua. Qualquer coisinha, já sabes, avisa.

quinta-feira, agosto 16, 2007

Ainda o Dr. Goebles

O site da Wired fornece algumas alterações, talvez para alguns, surpreendetes!!! Aqui ficam alguns exemplos!!!

ChevronTexaco deletes "Biodiesel", Iraq fine

ChevronTexaco deletes entire Biodiesel (general) entry, also deletes info about fine imposed for violating Iraq oil sanctions

Exxon-Valdez spill whitewash

A thorough accounting of the impact to a number of species affected by the Exxon-Valdez spill is replaced by an ExxonMobil employee, stating instead:

"Peer-reveiwed studies ... have confirmed that there has been no long-term severe impact to the Prince William Sound ecosystem. Thousands of species ... were never affected by the spill in the first place... six of the largest salmon harvests in history were recorded in the decade immediately following the spill."

The Israeli government *REALLY* doesn't like criticism about the West Bank wall.

Someone at the IP address of within the Israeli government twice attempted to delete the entire article on the Israeli West Bank Barrier, replacing it with criticism of the UN's "racist" decision regarding the barrier's illegality, and claiming that "the world is helping the Arab conspiracy theories, and that "Their target is the complete and total distruction of the state of Israel and the Jewish people."

Republicans trying to re-write history of Iraq War?

Republican Party changes the "Post-Saddam" section of the Baath Party article to a different account of the war, changing the language from "US-led occupation" to "US-led liberation."

Portuguese Government Covers Up

Portuguese Government covers up during Prime-Minister Scandal
