Merdas sérias, a brincar e assim assim. Uma janela para uma realidade que não tem, necessariamente, de ser a tua. Qualquer coisinha, já sabes, avisa.

sexta-feira, junho 29, 2007

Aos poucos chegamos lá

De acordo com as primeiras estimativas do PIB por habitante em paridade de poder de compra para 2006 hoje divulgadas pelo Eurostat, Portugal fica apenas à frente de oito dos 12 novos Estados-membros, e atrás da República Checa, Eslovénia, Chipre e Malta, nesta classificação que passou a integrar a Roménia e a Bulgária.

Ora aqui está mais uma mensagem para pôr em letras grandes na A.R.

Se quiserem outra, também podem pôr esta, que é de minha autoria:
Somos governados por uma cambada de gatunos e filhos da puta!

Fico à espera de ser consituído arguído!

Etiquetas: ,

quarta-feira, junho 27, 2007


Vigo no será, finalmente, la sede del secretariado técnico de la Unión Europea (UE) que debe gestionar los programas de cooperación transfronteriza entre España y Portugal entre 2007 y 2013, incluidos los que pongan en marcha Galicia y la Región Norte de Portugal. Badajoz se ha impuesto finalmente a la candidatura gallega, en parte gracias al interés del Gobierno portugués en desincentivar iniciativas que puedan alentar cualquier afán autonomista en torno a Oporto. La Xunta ofrecía como sede parte de las instalaciones del Centro Tecnológico del Mar.

in El País - via A Baixa do Porto

Isto é verdade?

1. A imprensa nacional não parece interessada - vou começar a comprar jornais espanhois!

2. Os "líderes" da região também não se manifstam - só mesmo neste país.

Vou começar um partido novo, junta-te a nós:

PILa - Partido pela Independência de Lisboa: só assim o resto de Portugal andará para a frente!

Etiquetas: , ,

sexta-feira, junho 22, 2007

A coisa vai mal, porquê que será?!

in CM


quarta-feira, junho 20, 2007

Indecente, vergonhoso!


terça-feira, junho 19, 2007

The highest ranking UN official in Israel has warned that American pressure has “pummelled into submission” the UN’s role as an impartial Middle East negotiator in a damning confidential report.

The 53-page “End of Mission Report” by Alvaro de Soto, the UN’s Middle East envoy, obtained by the Guardian, presents a devastating account of failed diplomacy and condemns the sweeping boycott of the Palestinian government. It is dated May 5 this year, just before Mr de Soto stepped down.

The revelations from inside the UN come after another day of escalating violence in Gaza, when at least 26 Palestinians were killed after Hamas fighters launched a major assault. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, head of the rival Fatah group, warned he was facing an attempted coup.

Mr de Soto condemns Israel for setting unachievable preconditions for talks and the Palestinians for their violence. Western-led peace negotiations have become largely irrelevant, he says.

in The Guardian

Etiquetas: ,

Que grande tacho, e dos bons mesmo!!!

Relatório e Contas 2006 da REN

Meu s caros amigos...
Recebi juntamente com o jornal que adquiro diáriamente, um exemplar do Relatório e Contas - 2006 - da REN -Redes Energéticas Nacionais... que brevemente avaliei e com especial remunerações dos membros do Conselho de Administração.
Para o efeito (e os dados são publicitados como manda a Lei) das págs 127/8 podem retirar-se as seguintes conclusões:
1 Presidente (José Penedos)
4 Vogais (Vítor Baptista,Aníbal Santos,Henrique Gomes e Soares de Pinho)

Remunerações (anuais) do Presidente :
"Venc.base" 272 658
Plano comp. de reforma 45 443
Subs.alimentação 2 238
Desp.representação 8 529

Total geral = 328 868 (Euros)
Média mensal = 27 405 (Euros) «» 5 495 contos !
Remunerações (anuais ) de cada um dos 4 Vogais):

"Venc.base" 172 205
Plano comp. de reforma 28 701
Subs.alimentação 2 238
Desp.representação 8 529
Total geral = 211 673 (Euros)
Média mensal = 17 639 (Euros) «» 3 536 contos
"O Presidente e os Vogais têm direito à utilização de viatura da empresa, com um plafond de 75 mil euros e 65 mil euros, respectivamente, em relação ao qual não beneficiam do direito de opção de compra, nos termos da Resolução do Conselho de Ministros nº 121/2005." (Fim de transcrição).
Como se vê... há uma "moralização" notória...sim, porque isto de adquirir viaturas da ordem dos 15 ou 12,5 milhares de contos cada...pelo preço da "uva mijona" !!!...
Não teho comentários a fazer!
Apreciai com os vossos olhos e talvez aqui se encontrem muitas das razões porque o Governo precisa de ir buscar dinheiro aos mais fracos...!

via email

sexta-feira, junho 08, 2007

Mais um falhanço da Europa

Não é nada que já não se soubesse, mas agora é oficial!

"A Polónia e a Roménia foram acusadas pelo Conselho da Europa de terem instalado centros de detenção às ordens da CIA, entre 2003 e 2005, com o conhecimento e autorização dos respectivos Presidentes."

quarta-feira, junho 06, 2007

Par o Norte: Vira o disco e toca o mesmo

O ministro das Obras Públicas, Transportes e Comunicações, Mário Lino, manifestou-se, ontem, contra a possibilidade de o aeroporto Sá Carneiro, no Porto, ser gerido por uma entidade regional. O assunto volta a estar, assim, na ordem do dia, com o presidente da Associação Comercial do Porto (ACP), Rui Moreira, a acusar o governante de "estar a confundir as coisas".

Este governo continua a mostrar que n
ão é diferente dos outros.

Cada vez falta menos para Lisboa ter 10000000 de habitantes!!!

Acorda miúdo!

The Cult of the Amateur by Andrew Keen

Pois é, ter opinião sim. No entanto, exprimi-la não é democrático, pelo menos na anarquia da net! Eu concordo, há que ter uma consciência ecológica. Não ao cyberlixo!!! No excerto aqui citado, nota-se logo que veio do outro lado do lago, onde não só a ignorância abunda mas também a desonestidade de muitos e dessas entidades psicopatas, chamadas multi-nacionais!


… democratization, despite its lofty idealization, is undermining truth, souring civic discourse, and belittling expertise, experience, and talent. As I noted earlier, it is threatening the very future of our cultural institutions.
I call it the great seduction. The Web 2.0 revolution has peddled the promise of bringing more truth to more people—more depth of information, more global perspective, more unbiased opinion from dispassionate observers. But this is all a smokescreen. What the Web 2.0 revolution is really delivering is superficial observations of the world around us rather than deep analysis, shrill opinion rather than considered judgment. The information business is being transformed by the Internet into the sheer noise of a hundred million bloggers all simultaneously talking about themselves.
Moreover, the free, user-generated content spawned and extolled by the Web 2.0 revolution is decimating the ranks of our cultural gatekeepers, as professional critics, journalists, editors, musicians, moviemakers, and other purveyors of expert information are being replaced (“disintermediated,” to use a FOO Camp term) by amateur bloggers, hack reviewers, homespun moviemakers, and attic recording artists. Meanwhile, the radically new business models based on user-generated material suck the economic value out of traditional media and cultural content.
We—those of us who want to know more about the world, those of us who are the consumers of mainstream culture—are being seduced by the empty promise of the “democratized” media. For the real consequence of the Web 2.0 revolution is less culture, less reliable news, and a chaos of useless information. One chilling reality in this brave new digital epoch is the blurring, obfuscation, and even disappearance of truth.
Truth, to paraphrase Tom Friedman, is being “flattened,” as we create an on-demand, personalized version that reflects our own individual myopia. One person’s truth becomes as “true” as anyone else’s. Today’s media is shattering the world into a billion personalized truths, each seemingly equally valid and worthwhile. To quote Richard Edelman, the founder, president, and CEO of Edelman PR, the world’s largest privately owned public relations company:

“In this era of exploding media technologies there is no truth except the truth you create for yourself.” 1

This undermining of truth is threatening the quality of civil public discourse, encouraging plagiarism and intellectual property theft, and stifling creativity. When advertising and public relations are disguised as news, the line between fact and fiction becomes blurred. Instead of more community, knowledge, or culture, all that Web 2.0 really delivers is more dubious content from anonymous sources, hijacking our time and playing to our gullibility.
Need proof? Let’s look at that army of perjurious penguins—“Al Gore’s Army of Penguins” to be exact. Featured on YouTube, the film, a crude “self-made” satire of Gore’s pro-environment movie An Inconvenient Truth, belittles the seriousness of Al Gore’s message by depicting a penguin version of Al Gore preaching to
other penguins about global warming.
But “Al Gore’s Army of Penguins” is not just another homemade example of YouTube inanity. Though many of the 120,000 people who viewed this video undoubtedly assumed it was the work of some SUV-driving amateur with an aversion to recycling, in reality, the Wall Street Journal traced the real authorship of this neocon satire to DCI Group, a conservative Washington, D.C., public relationships and lobbying firm whose clients include Exxon-Mobil.2 The video is nothing more than political spin, enabled and perpetuated by the anonymity of Web 2.0, masquerading as independent art. In short, it is a big lie.
Blogs too, can be vehicles for veiled corporate propaganda and deception. In March 2006, the New York Times reported about a blogger whose laudatory postings about Wal-Mart were “identical” to press releases written by a senior account supervisor at the Arkansas retailer’s PR company.3 Perhaps this is the same team behind the mysterious elimination of unflattering remarks about Wal-Mart’s treatment of its employees on the retailer’s Wikipedia entry.
Blogs are increasingly becoming the battlefield on which public relations spin doctors are waging their propaganda war. In 2005, before launching a major investment, General Electric executives met with environmental bloggers to woo them over the greenness of a new energy-efficient technology. Meanwhile, multinationals like IBM, Maytag, and General Motors all have blogs that, under an objective guise, peddle their versions of corporate truth to the outside world.
But the anticorporate blogs are equally loose with the truth. In 2005, when the famous and fictitious finger-in-the-chili story broke, every anti-Wendy’s blogger jumped on it as evidence of fast-food malfeasance. The bogus story cost Wendy’s $2.5 million in lost sales as well as job losses and a decline in the price of the company’s stock.
As former British Prime Minister James Callaghan said, “A lie can make its way around the world before the truth has the chance to put its boots on.” That has never been more true than with the speeding, freewheeling, unchecked culture of today’s blogosphere.

1. “Liquid Truth: Advice from the Spinmeisters,” PR Watch, Fourth Quarter 2000, Volume 7, No. 4.
2. Antonio Regalado and Dionne Searcey, “Where Did That Video Spoofing Al Gore’s Film Come From?” Wall Street Journal, August 3, 2006.
3. Michael Barbaro, “Wal-Mart enlists bloggers in PR campaign,” New York Times, March 7, 2006.


At the 2005 TED Conference, Kevin Kelly told the Silicon Valley crowd that we have a moral obligation to develop technology. “Imagine Mozart before the technology of the piano,” he said. “Imagine Van Gogh before the technology of affordable oil paints. Imagine Hitchcock before the technology of film.”
But technology doesn’t create human genius. It merely provides new tools for self-expression. And if the democratized chaos of user-generated Web 2.0 content ends up replacing mainstream media, then there may not be a way for the Mozarts, Van Goghs, and Hitchcocks of the future to effectively distribute or sell their creative work.
Instead of developing technology, I believe that our real moral responsibility is to protect mainstream media against the cult of the amateur. We need to reform
rather than revolutionize an information and entertainment economy that, over the last two hundred years, has reinforced American values and made our culture the
envy of the world. Once dismantled, I fear that this professional media—with its rich ecosystem of writers, editors, agents, talent scouts, journalists, publishers, musicians, reporters, and actors—can never again be put back together. We destroy it at our peril.
So let’s not go down in history as that infamous generation who, intoxicated by the ideal of democratization, killed professional mainstream media. Let’s not be remembered for replacing movies, music, and books with YOU! Instead, let’s use technology in a way that encourages innovation, open communication, and progress, while simultaneously preserving professional standards of truth, decency, and creativity. That’s our moral obligation. It’s our debt to both the past and the future.

terça-feira, junho 05, 2007

5 de Junho de 1989

Na altura foi um massacre! Agora... os chineses são nossos amigos!

Mais informacoes aqui